The Creative Commons Anthem!
Yay for the "reverend" Jesse Jackass
And ya wonder why racism won't go away.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Crazy Bet by Snuke
Member Oct 10th 4:56 PM
If Dwayne Bowe wins rookie of the Year I'll tell you what, I'll cut off my balls and send them to you in the mail, you must like balls considering you had some in your mouth when you typed that. Perhaps you were distracted and couldn't see what you typed?
Member Oct 10th 5:02 PM
"If Dwayne Bowe wins rookie of the Year I'll tell you what, I'll cut off my balls and send them to you in the mail"
Hold ya to that.
Cloud Strife
Member Oct 11th 12:33 PM
"If Dwayne Bowe wins rookie of the Year I'll tell you what, I'll cut off my balls and send them to you in the mail"
Hold ya to that.'
Note it. If dwayne Bowe wins rookie of the year, Snuke is obligated to mail his testicles to me. (or YS123)
It was wanted to be noted... so it's noted. We'll see come January.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
"The Children" and his words of wisdom
Now, on to the show.
I have gathered together some of my favourite lines from The Children. As you can see, I have tidied them up into proper English; if you want the original Children-ese, just remove the capitals and punctuation, plus throw in lots of "stupid yankee". Also, I have recorded the general context of these remarks.
The Children on space exploration:-
"The Soviet Union was the second country to land a man on the Moon"
*In the process of explaining why U.S.A. space dominance is no big deal*
The Children on bad language:-
"Only little b1tches like you use profane language"
*During a flame thread he started*
The Children on pre-marital sex:-
"Only weak willed degenerates have sex before marriage. No, I don't have to have pre-marital sex to know I wouldn't enjoy it - I don't have to smoke crack or murder someone to know I wouldn't like that either."
*Critising general lack of moral fibre in Western countries*
The Children on the unlimited powers of the Internet:-
"Get out of my thread or I will beat you up"
*Addressed to Mr Beer in response to a particularly cutting remark*
The Children on river-aeration technology:-
"They polluted the Thames and now they're fixing it. Sheer hypocrisy. Right now, Mother Nature doesn't want the Thames. And you can't argue with Mother Nature."
*Complaining about pointless waste of UK tax-payer's money*
The Children on probability math:-
"Chances of 1 in 10 to the power 100 occur every day. People win the lottery every day."
*Arguing that a theoretical process which has a chance of 1 in 10 to the power 100 of failing would be pointless, as it would inevitably fail*
The Children on the Yugoslavian conflict:-
"Slobodan was the only war criminal there. If there were other war criminals, then why aren't they on trial?"
*Arguing with Del Gato Diablo about the Balkans conflict*
The Children on Tibet:-
"Thibet has always been Chinese territory. Besides, the Tibetans want us there, to maintain order."
*Defending Chinese foreign policy*
The Children on weight lifting:-
"No normal sized man can possibly bench press 300lbs without the use of drugs. It can't be done."
*Someone posted an article about a fisherman who killed a 600lbs shark with a knife and dragged it ashore - The Children explains why this is not physically possible*
The Children on the endless aggression of the US:-
"The US invaded america"
*Within a rant about U.S. interventionism*
The Children on zoology.
"Anything bigger than average of their species is non venomous...learn some evolution."
*Some retarded lecture on snakes*
The Children on the niceties of local justice systems:-
"Unfair trials in the West are a sign of the West being a cesspool. But China is not supposed to have fair trials, so it's OK that the trials are not fair."
*Again, defending Chinese oppression*
The Children on comparative economics and the wealth of citizens.
"Per capita salary? Europe can't compare with Asia, actually."
*In response to the comment that the West is a more comfortable place to live than China*
The Children on what makes a world power:
"China has always been a world power. The amount of their world influence is utterly irrelevant to this title."
*A Chinese dominance lecture, in response to someone pointing out that during 5,000-odd years of Chinese history, very little time or no time has been spent as the world's pre-eminent power*
The Children on astronomy:
"The galaxy revolves around the Sun. What, you don't know that the Sun is the centre of the Milky Way?"
*I can't remember how this came up, but he was most insistent on this point, at least for several posts*
The Children on homosexuality:
"The gay thing started in the West."
*Again, Western morals*
The Children on the universal domination of China in strength athleticism:
"Chinese weightlifters broke *all* records in Sydney just a few years ago."
*Banging on about Chinese weightlifters, wisely ignoring the existence of the heavy weight classes*
"Of course, the McCarthy trials were much worse than the Tianaman Square Massacre. They were the most barbaric violation of human rights ever"
*Someone posted a Tianaman Square memorial thread*
The Children Molester on biology:-
"Now, in nature no rape occurs. Animals do not rape each other."
The Children Molester on legal education:-
"I would be excepted by any law school in the US."
*This one is actually true, but only if you read it carefully*
The Children Molester on UP posters:-
"I am the smartest poster here, yes, but more importantly I am enlightened."
The Children Molester on historical empires:-
"We are discussing the Ottomans, not the Osmans. What are the Osmans anyway, a Mongol tribe?"
The Children Molester on dictators:-
"Stalin was not crappy. He was a great leader, there was nothing crappy about Stalin."
The Children Molester on forms of government:-
"Capitalism is clearly as much of a failure as Communism."
The Children Molester on his preferred cuisine:-
"Mister, you have been owned like the streetdog I'm about to cook tonight."
*During an argument with Nimatzo*
The Children on the size of the US national debt:-
"the fact of the matter is, China is not in debt by 8000 trillion."
*Explaining how the US is 'OWNED'*
The Children on his l33t Doctor Doolittle skillz:-
"Talking to you is like to talking to a pig. 'Cept that the pig actually understands you."
*Getting heated after lazarus proved he doesn't understand currency in any way*
The Children on metallurgy
"Heat doesn't weaken steel."
*I don't know the hell he was thinking about this one... talking about a bridge destruction and the WTC I guess.*
The Children on Species Conservation:
" We drive dolphins out of extinction. You drive rednecks out of extinction."
*Commenting on the news that the Yangtze Dolphin has become extinct due to excessive pollution in the River.*
"They invented slavery and still enjoy it."
*Implying that the USA 'invented' slavery, when trying to defend China and its practice of dumping crap and dangerous products, and polluting the environment.
"masta wants some entertainment. Little farmboy, you dance and sing for masta. Or face whip again. Little farmboy sing now or masta donate you to men in white cloak with pointy hats. "
*TC on how he isn't racist.
There you have it... The most infamous list on UP. These will be updated as needed, and as authorized by the copyright holder Mr. Beer... I would hate to upset him by adding to his masterpiece without his consent.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Oppurtunity for writers out there
You can make money off of it as well.
Contact me with an email address so I can invite you to this wonderful community.
Thanks in advance.
I really appreciate it.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Live Earth? ... Greatest comedy routine since Comics Come Home
If we get out consciousnesses raised any more about global warming, then our heads will all explode, thereby sending much more dangerous gases into the polluted atmosphere.
Buy the way, even as a rock concert, Live Earth was underwhelming. As a revolution, it was hysterical and sophomoric. As a political message it was predictable pathetic. Macy Gray's band, among those savvy rockers wanting everybody to know just how politically aware its members are, came out in shirts that attempted to shout out messages: Bush with a line through his name. Cheney with a line through his name. Racism with a line through it. Global warming with a line through it.
It might have been inspiring, except for the shirts, or signs, or mantras that weren't there for that performance or many others: Stunningly, no Bin Laden with a line through it. No Islamist facism with a line through it. No terrorism with a line through it. When it comes to extolling the virtue of world peace, some causes are more fashionable than others among the musical mob. Now, go eat your favorite colored M & M's in your three-blocks-long limos, climb back in your private jets and head to your favorite vacation spot on Fiji. (Don't forget to write your carbon offset checks, too.)"
- Dan Barrerio - KFAN Radio and
I completely agree with this take. I find any act of 'carbon awareness' to be completely superficial. It also is completely hypocritical. New science is coming out everyday that is stiffled by the mainstream media that carbon dioxide is not the cause of the past warming trend (in Europe). The southern hemisphere has not warmed at all, and North America hasn't warmed significantly. It definitely hasn't warmed the 2 degrees a decade that alarmists like to predict. In fact, since the 1900s, North America has only warmed .1 degree C per decade. Hardly catastrophic.
If there any sensibility left among people, they'll get off this global warming train, and look around, and noticed 'global warming' isn't global, and it stopped by 2004. What it is, is a poorly veiled attempt at stifling American progress and return it to third-world standards.
Take a stand, and ignore the alarmists that seem to think they are helping the planet by screwing you over.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Comedy quote from TC...
This is about the funniest thing he has ever said.
When there is a wrong to right... AHAHHAHAHHA
Usually that means he'll just screw it up more.
Stay tuned.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Happy Spring (May 1st!)
If it wasn't for various communist revolutions and such.
I prefer to look at it for happier times.
Check out the song at the bottom of the page for a happier tune on this, by Jonathan Coulton.
It's a much happier topic, and if people were more intent on doing this, than trying to rule the world, it would be a much better place.
Friday, April 27, 2007
New Planet Discovered?
Now if we can only get there....
Once we get Star Trek technology it shouldn't be too bad to get out there, but with current rockets...
Well, lets just say we could try now.
Check out the bottom of this page for a song that highlights one of the possible problems of slow speed space travel. (And a website that has some new funny music.)
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Quotes of the year 2007
The inagural entry is this:
"PREDICTIONS: In 5 years, KFS makes history as the first man in Britain to marry himself. He throws a lavish wedding reception for himself, dances with himself, and both throws and catches the bouquet."
-Chris the Penguin
"elections do work. Well at least in this country."
"Apr 24th 2:18 PM
Lets face it yankees.
You people lack culture, have no morals, are stupid, lazy biotches that eat all day, the most perverted bastards on the planet, excell at nothing, average in most things, shiatty in everything else, are racists bigots and have this ignorant attitude that they are the best in everything when they fail at everything.
Truth hurts, dont it."
-The Children
(Yes TC, the truth does hurt...... it hurts that you can totally contradict yourself in one posting. Never mind the fact that you are completely wrong. LMAO indeed.)
Friday, March 16, 2007
Now with Mohhamad confessing...
Now, the Pentagon has released a transcript of an interview with KSM in which he makes some rather lengthy and detailed claims of being involved in lots of terror plots over the years.
A partial list appears below. If true, then his ambitions for terror, and hand in numerous horrifying actions to date, are enough to send chills down your spine.
1. The 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City that killed six people and injured more than 1,000.
2. Said he invented “New Coke” while training in Afghanistan with Osama Bin Laden.
3. A plan for a "second wave" of attacks on major US landmarks after 9/11 attacks. Alleged targets included the Library Tower in Los Angeles, the Sears Tower in Chicago, the Plaza Bank building in Seattle and the Empire State Building in New York.
4. Tried to break up the LA Lakers by planting overly sexually aggressive desk clerk in Kobe Bryant’s rehab hotel in Colorado.
5. Plots to attack oil tankers and US naval ships in the Straits of Hormuz, the Straits of Gibraltar and in Singapore.
6. Supplied cocaine and other narcotics to Britney, Lindsay, and Paris, in an attempt to crash the U.S. Tabloid markets by killing all three.
7. A plan to blow up the Panama Canal.
8. Personally threatened to blow up James Dolan’s office if he did not hire Isiah Thomas as Coach and General Manager of the Knicks.
9. Plans to assassinate former US presidents including Jimmy Carter.
10. Helped vote Emmitt Smith to the title of “Dancing With the Stars”
11. A plan to destroy the Sears Tower in Chicago by burning fuel trucks beneath or around it.
12. Yelled “allah akbar” or “Tiger is Great” on Phil Mickelson’s backswing at the 18th hole of last year’s US Open.
13. Sending several "mujahideen" into Israel to survey "strategic targets" with the intention of attacking them.
14. Created pilot for the show: “Quite Frankly.”
15. Surveillance of US nuclear power plants in order to attack them.
16. Inserted nude hot-tub scene in final script for Kathy Bates in the movie “About Schmidt.”
17. A plot to attack Nato's headquarters in Europe.
18. "Shared responsibility" for a plot to kill Pope John Paul II while he visited the Philippines.
19. Two Words: Arizona Cardinals.
20. Destroyed millions of Americans NCAA brackets in 2006 by helping send George Mason to the Final Four.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
All Puns Intended....
Fell in love and got married.
The ceremony wasn't much,
But the reception was excellent.
2. A jumper cable walks into a bar.
The bartender says,
"I'll serve you,
But don't start anything."
3. Two peanuts walk into a bar,
And one was a salted.
4. A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
5. A man walks into a bar
With a slab of asphalt under his arm,
And says:
"A beer please,
And one for the road."
6. Two cannibals are eating a clown.
One says to the other:
"Does this taste funny to you?"
7. "Doc, I can't stop singing
'The Green, Green Grass of Home."
" That sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome."
"Is it common?"
"... Well, It's Not Unusual."
8. Two cows are standing
Next to each other in a field.
Daisy says to Dolly,
"I was artificially Inseminated
This morning."
"I don't believe you," says Dolly.
"It's true; no bull!" exclaims Daisy.
9. An invisible man marries
An invisible woman.
The kids were nothing
To look at either.
10. Deja-Moo:
The feeling that you've heard
This bull before.
11. I went to buy some camouflage
Trousers the other day,
But I couldn't find any.
12. A man woke up in a hospital
After a serious accident.
He shouted, "Doctor,doctor,
I can't feel my legs!"
The doctor replied,
"I know you can't
I've cut off your arms!"
13. I went to a seafood disco
Last week...and pulled a mussel.
14. What do you call a fish
With no eyes?
A fsh.
15. Two fish swim into a concrete wall.
The one turns to the other
And says,"Dam!"
16. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak
Were chilly, so they lit a fire
In the craft.
Unsurprisingly it sank,
Proving once again
That you can't have your kayak
And heat it too.
17. A group of chess enthusiasts
Checked into a hotel,
And were standing in the lobby
Discussing their recent
Tournament victories.
After about an hour,
The manager came out of the office,
And asked them to disperse.
"But why," they asked,
As they moved off.
"Because," he said,
"I can't stand chess-nuts
Boasting in an open foyer."
18. A woman has twins,
And gives them up for adoption.
One of them goes to a family in Egypt,
And is named "Ahmal."
The other goes to a family
In Spain; they name him "Juan."
Years later, Juan sends a picture
Of himself to his birth mother.
Upon receiving the picture,
She tells her husband
That she wishes she
Also had a picture of Ahmal.
Her husband responds,
"They're twins! If you've seen Juan,
You've seen Ahmal."
(Oh, man, this is so bad, it's good)
19. Mahatma Gandhi, as you know,
Walked barefoot most of the time,
Which produced an impressive set
Of calluses on his feet.
He also ate very little,
Which made him rather frail
And with his odd diet,
He suffered from bad breath...
This made him
A super-calloused fragile mystic
Hexed by halitosis.
20. And finally,
There was the person
Who sent twenty different puns
To his friends,
With the hope that at least
Ten of the puns
Would make them laugh.
No pun in ten did!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Story of the day....
Guilty of 4 of 5 counts.
Of course on UP there is a split opinion on this.
The vast majority think it's a good thing, with a few irrationals thinking he did nothing wrong.
Tune into the board to see this story, and many others play out.
Oh yeah...
Poison is a worthless HOer.
God damn HOers.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Recent Break
On Thursday Mar1 I actually had to do real work at work, as my boss was heading out of town for the week, and will be back the 12th, so I could be around a lot more this next week.
Friday March 2nd, I threw my neck out sleeping. I woke up at 6:30 in pain so bad that it made my daily headaches feel like a walk in the park. Found out I managed to twist up about 3 or 4 vertebrae, so I ended up sitting 2 hours in my docs office to straighten it out, and then the rest of the day on my couch, away from my computer.
Saturday and Sunday I was Detroit to watch the Red Wings v. Avalanche game on Sunday afternoon. It was a great game. And there will be more details to follow. The Highlight: My hotel was close enough to the border that I could see Canada. So I had 'special messages' for Canada when the wife was out of the room.
More to come when I actually get to work.
There probably won't be a pwnage of the week, unless I get some help and nominees from the board, as I missed Thursday and Friday. I seem to remember Steve getting his butt kicked pretty hard again, and Addy going for quantity over quality again... but after that, I'm pretty clueless.
Thanks for your continued support of the Clearing House Project.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Was the Death Star Attack an Inside Job?
Was the Attack an Inside Job?
Uncomfortable Questions: Was the Death Star Attack an Inside Job?
Websurdity Link: This article was inspired by the fine users at the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) Forum, to whom I am indebted for the use of much of this material.
We've all heard the "official conspiracy theory" of the Death Star attack. We all know about Luke Skywalker and his ragtag bunch of rebels, how they mounted a foolhardy attack on the most powerful, well-defended battle station ever built. And we've all seen the video over, and over, and over, of the one-in-a-million shot that resulted in a massive chain reaction that not just damaged, but completely obliterated that massive technological wonder.
Like many Americans, I was fed this story when I was growing up. But as I watched the video, I began to realize that all was not as it seemed. And the more I questioned the official story, the deeper into the rabbit hole I went.
Presented here are some of the results of my soul-searching regarding this painful event. Like many citizens, I have many questions that I would like answered: was the mighty Imperial government really too incompetent to prevent a handful of untrained nerf-herders from destroying one of their most prized assets? Or are they hiding something from us? Who was really behind the attack? Why did they want the Death Star destroyed? No matter what the answers, we have a problem.
Below is a summary of my book, Uncomfortable Questions: An Analysis of the Death Star Attack, which presents compelling evidence that we all may be the victims of a fraud of immense proportions.
Uncomfortable Questions about the Death Star Attack
The cover of Uncomfortable Questions: An Analysis of the Death Star Attack
1) Why were a handful of rebel fighters able to penetrate the defenses of a battle station that had the capability of destroying an entire planet and the defenses to ward off several fleets of battle ships?
2) Why did Grand Moff Tarkin refuse to deploy the station's large fleet of TIE Fighters until it was too late? Was he acting on orders from somebody to not shoot down the rebel attack force? If so, who, and why?
3) Why was the rebel pilot who supposedly destroyed the Death Star reported to be on the Death Star days, maybe hours, prior to its destruction? Why was he allowed to escape, and why were several individuals dressed in Stormtrooper uniforms seen helping him?
4) Why has there not been an investigation into allegations that Darth Vader, the second-ranking member of the Imperial Government, is in fact the father of the pilot who allegedly destroyed the Death Star?
5) Why did Lord Vader decide to break all protocols and personally pilot a lightly armored TIE Fighter? Conveniently, this placed Lord Vader outside of the Death Star when it was destroyed, where he was also conveniently able to escape from a large-sized rebel fleet that had just routed the Imperial forces. Why would Lord Vader, one of the highest ranking members of the Imperial Government, suddenly decide to fly away from the Death Star in the middle of a battle? Did he know something that the rest of the Imperial Navy didn't?
Emperor Palpatine fails to act after being informed of the attack
6) How could any pilot shoot a missile into a 2 meter-wide exhaust port, let alone a pilot with no formal training, whose only claim to fame was his ability to "bullseye womprats" on Tatooine? This shot, according to one pilot, would be "impossible, even for a computer." Yet, according to additional evidence, the pilot who allegedly fired the missile turned off his targeting computer when he was supposedly firing the shot that destroyed the Death Star. Why have these discrepancies never been investigated, let alone explained?
7) Why has their been no investigation into evidence that the droids who provided the rebels with the Death Star plans were once owned by none other than Lord Vader himself, and were found, conveniently, by the pilot who destroyed the Death Star, and who is also believed to be Lord Vader's son? Evidence also shows that the droids were brought to one Ben Kenobi, who, records indicate, was Darth Vader's teacher many years earlier! Are all these personal connections between the conspirators and a key figure in the Imperial government supposed to be coincidences?
8) How could a single missile destroy a battle station the size of a moon? No records, anywhere, show that any battle station or capital ship has ever been destroyed by a single missile. Furthermore, analysis of the tape of the last moments of the Death Star show numerous small explosions along its surface, prior to it exploding completely! Why does all evidence indicate that strategically placed explosives, not a single missile, is what destroyed the Death Star?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Daily UP Digest for 2-27-07
We have Adelaide trying to prove (unseccessfully) for about the 800th time how France won America's independance. Not that it matters, or that anyone cares at this point. But there are still a few people kind enough to try and nominate Addy for a pwning of the week.
Dick Cheney was in Afghanistan today, where he apparantly felt like getting bombed, and I don't mean getting coked out of his mind at one of G-dubbs frat reunion parties. He was apparantly the target of a Taliban bomb attack at a US military base. Unfortunately, the Veep wasn't harmed, but this should be a huge talker for the day.
Also, BIDBP, somehow managed to earn a 'delete all/ban' for something he "said". Among argueing about it, GKIII also earned a day pass to 'Happy ban land'. So this is basically your warning. There is a Mod out there who is extrememly pissy today, so watch your mouth.
On a sad note, it seems one of the better posters will be taking a leave from us. Aeros, a member of the American military, has received orders that he will be deployed to Baghdad in the upcoming weeks, and may not be able to post for a while. While we all may not have agreed with opinions, I for one, appreciated his style, and his class. He was more articulate than most posters, and tried to use more self-written pieces than parrotting news articles. I liked that. I, and many posters have already wished him the best of luck in his tour in Iraq. May he return safely.
More to come as stories develop.
Monday, February 26, 2007
The UP Week That Was, 2-19, 2-24 , 2007
Early in the week, it seemed as if we had a massive HOer invasion. They came after we were infiltrated by the worthless poster Poison. After suffering massive ownages, we must have limped home the to the HO. Which opened the floodgates to more HOers spamming our beloved board. As of this posting, the HOer invasion seems to have subsided for the time being.
Arab/Muslim kept on his religious crusade promoting Islam and it's writings of the Koran, which is getting to be a rather old routine. Other posters are also getting bored with use of the term 'xtian' when referring to Christians, and the religion Christiantity. Other than that, it's the same ole same ole. As is often the case when there is nothing tremendously news worthy.
Billah reminded us all he likes sex. Someday he may actually get to try it.
GKIII reminded us the Colts won the Super Bowl. Also it must be noted that this event has seemed to coincide with his personality change. He seems oddly compassionate now.
The boring 'console wars' have tamed some. From an average of 5 threads at one time from various fanboys, we are down to 1 or 2 at the most. Thanks be to which ever god you prefer.
FSM got owned when he went to Buffalo. Imagine this... Trying to use foreign currency in any country, and not getting crushed on the exchange rate at a place not designed to exchange at fair market value. Apparently FSM thinks that Canadians are 'fair' and would never try and scam Americans trying to use American currency in Canada. Many posters came on to set him straight on that notion.
That about does it for the news topics that I recall... If I missed anything noteworthy, let me know.
There were 2 leading candidates for the award this week, with a few honorable mentions:
First the Honorable Mention:
Adelaide/Skye - He gets a mention not from any quality ownage, but just the sure quantity of pwnings. I believe at one point he had 8 posts on the board all about Britain and how it was basically lying in flaming ruins as we speak. Which of course, is not remotely true. It's also worth mentioning the fracophile also seems to think Britain is a part of Continental Europe. Pure gold.
Muslim - Refuses to actually argue any point that may dispute his view on the world. Just calls people idiots and goes on reciting whatever he wants. Generally gets crushed on just about everything. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
2nd place The Children - This week TC tried to claim all of North America for his own because someone found some silly Chinese coin, that they think is from 1466 or something. That should be good enough, but no. Lazarus was good enough to come along and kick some history into TC's brain-dead head, which TC replied with his standard canned phrases of 'you are a worthless burger flipping dishwashing immigrant! know your role, and shut your mouth!' or something like that. Never minding that back then, might made right, and since that land was undefended for years, the Mexicans/Spaniards kicked what little Chinese power there was there, and then the Americans wiped them up... Thus denouncing TC's original claim null and void anyway. Oh well. Thanks for the laughs TC, You should have this week.
WINNER of the Inaguaral PWNAGE OF THE WEEK!! -
KindFluffySteve -
This week Steve went on one of his patented 'Communism is Great' rants, harking back to the grandiose days of the USSR. He really didn't have any facts or figures to back up this 'glory' just sheer wanton desire to see his hopes and dreams of never actually have to work for a living come true. But that's not where the PWNING came from. He was doing alright, until the actual Russians showed up. You know, the ones that either actually lived through, or had family that lived through the Soviet Union. They pretty much came in and handed him has hat, slapped some mustard on it, and feed it to him for breakfast. Jergul even managed to redeem a shred or two of credibility by giving Steve his lunch. Congratulations Steve. That was a classic beating. Hopefully one that won't soon be forgotten.
Rules for the PWNING O' THE WEEK:
Basically you have to start a thread, and get your ass kicked in it.
I'm not going to go through threads looking for random people getting crushed by other random people. Just thread starters getting crushed.
At least in the beginning....
Have a great week all! Thanks for reading!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Daily UP Digest for 2-23-07
Israel-Syria talks, Posted by CrownRoyal
China Combats Internet Addiction, Posted by alexzakil
Beaver Spotted in NYC!!! (and no, it wasn't Brittany Spears), Posted by Eikey1729
Europe's Plan to Track Phone and Net Use
NYTimes, Posted by sarvik
French lab techs erred in Landis case Posted by Attack Con Dog
OT and unlinked topics:
Hockey Brawl- OTT v BUF (video on this page)
Story from, Posted by Eikey1729
What if we lose Iraq?
Opinion piece by Hotrod
Don't mess with the elderly
Posted by Lizard
Upset Students! (board topic) (picture in question)
Opinion piece posted by Gray Lotus
posted by carbonated water
Apparantly it snows in Wisconsin... Go figure.
Check back for more updates as the day progresses!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Daily UP Digest for 2-22-07
KFC asks for papal approval of new fish sandwich
- USA Today posted by Eikey1729
Egypt blogger jailed for 'insult'
- BBC, Posted by Eikey1729
Bush's war on Terror
-, Posted by Real Fred
Finding the God Particle
-, Posted by NeverWoods
This will be updated as I see important things to talk about rather than random drivel, and topics that are thrown up specifically designed to troll. (TC's topics)
Along with the poster who posted it, and such... Comments will be taken here, and of course, not be deleted 'Nazi Mod' style.
I hope everyone enjoys this.
Welcome to the Clearing House!
Let me know what you think.