Since starting this blog on Thursday, Feb 22nd, I don't have the greatest recollection of what happened early in the week. I'll do the best of what I can remember, which thanks to many drugs, isn't much.
Early in the week, it seemed as if we had a massive HOer invasion. They came after we were infiltrated by the worthless poster Poison. After suffering massive ownages, we must have limped home the to the HO. Which opened the floodgates to more HOers spamming our beloved board. As of this posting, the HOer invasion seems to have subsided for the time being.
Arab/Muslim kept on his religious crusade promoting Islam and it's writings of the Koran, which is getting to be a rather old routine. Other posters are also getting bored with use of the term 'xtian' when referring to Christians, and the religion Christiantity. Other than that, it's the same ole same ole. As is often the case when there is nothing tremendously news worthy.
Billah reminded us all he likes sex. Someday he may actually get to try it.
GKIII reminded us the Colts won the Super Bowl. Also it must be noted that this event has seemed to coincide with his personality change. He seems oddly compassionate now.
The boring 'console wars' have tamed some. From an average of 5 threads at one time from various fanboys, we are down to 1 or 2 at the most. Thanks be to which ever god you prefer.
FSM got owned when he went to Buffalo. Imagine this... Trying to use foreign currency in any country, and not getting crushed on the exchange rate at a place not designed to exchange at fair market value. Apparently FSM thinks that Canadians are 'fair' and would never try and scam Americans trying to use American currency in Canada. Many posters came on to set him straight on that notion.
That about does it for the news topics that I recall... If I missed anything noteworthy, let me know.
There were 2 leading candidates for the award this week, with a few honorable mentions:
First the Honorable Mention:
Adelaide/Skye - He gets a mention not from any quality ownage, but just the sure quantity of pwnings. I believe at one point he had 8 posts on the board all about Britain and how it was basically lying in flaming ruins as we speak. Which of course, is not remotely true. It's also worth mentioning the fracophile also seems to think Britain is a part of Continental Europe. Pure gold.
Muslim - Refuses to actually argue any point that may dispute his view on the world. Just calls people idiots and goes on reciting whatever he wants. Generally gets crushed on just about everything. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
2nd place The Children - This week TC tried to claim all of North America for his own because someone found some silly Chinese coin, that they think is from 1466 or something. That should be good enough, but no. Lazarus was good enough to come along and kick some history into TC's brain-dead head, which TC replied with his standard canned phrases of 'you are a worthless burger flipping dishwashing immigrant! know your role, and shut your mouth!' or something like that. Never minding that back then, might made right, and since that land was undefended for years, the Mexicans/Spaniards kicked what little Chinese power there was there, and then the Americans wiped them up... Thus denouncing TC's original claim null and void anyway. Oh well. Thanks for the laughs TC, You should have this week.
WINNER of the Inaguaral PWNAGE OF THE WEEK!! -
KindFluffySteve -
This week Steve went on one of his patented 'Communism is Great' rants, harking back to the grandiose days of the USSR. He really didn't have any facts or figures to back up this 'glory' just sheer wanton desire to see his hopes and dreams of never actually have to work for a living come true. But that's not where the PWNING came from. He was doing alright, until the actual Russians showed up. You know, the ones that either actually lived through, or had family that lived through the Soviet Union. They pretty much came in and handed him has hat, slapped some mustard on it, and feed it to him for breakfast. Jergul even managed to redeem a shred or two of credibility by giving Steve his lunch. Congratulations Steve. That was a classic beating. Hopefully one that won't soon be forgotten.
Rules for the PWNING O' THE WEEK:
Basically you have to start a thread, and get your ass kicked in it.
I'm not going to go through threads looking for random people getting crushed by other random people. Just thread starters getting crushed.
At least in the beginning....
Have a great week all! Thanks for reading!
The Creative Commons Anthem!
Yay for the "reverend" Jesse Jackass
And ya wonder why racism won't go away.
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Keep up the good work :)
Fair, fair ownage, Stevie is a nice guy but he needed a shaking on his beliefs about communism.
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