On this Memorial Day I would like pay homage and honor 3 brave soldiers that have died in the 'War on Terror' since 2001, and the War in Iraq in 2003. These three soldiers have served our country very well in the past and it is very said to see their corpses laid before my eyes. So I must, as a true American, give them the honor and respect they deserve, one by one.
The first soldier I would like to honor today is the United States Constitution. The document that has founded this country and served it so well for over 225 years has been murdered in cold blood by the current administration. Every time an illegal wire tap is conducted, or an illegal search of private property, the dead horse takes another beating. The Constitution was on life support when property rights were repealed, when it became legal for governments to seize private property to give to other private developers strictly so that "More tax dollars could be generated." Suspension of Habeas Corpus at Guantanamo Bay is also a fatal blow to our vital document. Every executive order granting more power to the Executive Branch. Every loophole that is used so that we don't have to abide by the law of the land, is a slap in the face of this mighty soldier. It gives me great pain to see The Constitution given such an unceremonious burial.
The second soldier that has died, and that I would like to honor is Democracy. Democracy was murdered in its sleep when we the people are being forced to choose between a Giant Douche(r), and a McTurd Sandwich. Come November we will get to choose, as our leader, a candidate that is pure evil, and one that is too stupid to teach a fish to swim. However, it is not like it will matter. The candidates aren't even different. In a few years we will get to choose between Jack Johnson, and John Jackson. This year you will be hard pressed to find any real differences between candidates as it is. The only variance will be that one might screw the people over a little less than the other in some area, but more in another. It's all a dog and pony show anyway. It's designed to keep our attention away from the real problems facing this country. It helps so much too, when the candidates either won't talk about them, or change their position based on the tides, or the zodiac, or whatever crazy methods they choose to determine their 'stance on the issues'. Either way they don't get to decide. We don't get to decide. So therefore, the great soldier of Democracy is dead and gone. Even though we try to tell other countries he's alive and he'll visit them soon. Kinda like Santa Claus. Ask Russia or Zimbabwe how well Democracy works for them.
The last soldier I'd like to honor today, is Freedom. As the Fascists gain more and more ground in this country, and fear becomes more and more of the mind set, Freedom was going to be the sacrificial lamb in the name 'Security'. Security never existed either. In this day and age, where there are security cameras on every light pole in London. Fines for putting your bins on the curb too soon, and tazer jolts for asking a question to authority, Freedom never stood a chance. Freedom should have tried to skip the country and hide out for a while when the Police Chief in Houston wanted police cameras in EVERY HOUSE! Instead, he fought on, until he was finally murdered by the fascists who can't stand the sight of free people. Now we get to look forward to any 'emergency' where the government can come in and take away our 2nd amendment rights even though that has nothing to do with what is going on. The Jackbooted Storm Troopers will be able to taze or beat anyone who looks at them funny. And last but not least, we won't even be the sole owners of our own DNA as the government takes the DNA of every newborn baby. There is thought-crime legislation in Congress, and so on and so on. Freedom was a valiant warrior, but alas. The terrorist Security got him in the end.
Is there still hope for this country? I doubt it. The young people are too busy being brainwashed in sub-par schools. History is being rewritten to make America the bad guy in every conflict since the dawn of time. What is most worrisome is people just sit by and take it. Calling people that dissent against the government the terrorists, and those committing treason. When it should be the other way around. Those that are kicking and spitting on the corpses of the three soldiers I mentioned above, should be the ones labeled as the enemies of the country. Freedom should be resurrected and held on high and respect above all else in this country, even if a plane blows up every few years. The Constitution should be put back together using the finest technology, and used to support Freedom. The Constitution should be the guide for retribution against our enemies, should such a time arise, not the whims of a man who trod across the corpse of Democracy to get to the White House, to carry out his own devious plans. Democracy should be revived to be used to find the best and the brightest to lead the country. Not to find the lowest common denominator, with the most 'electability'. That is how we got into the mess we are in now.
We are at a crossroads. Either clean up the mess. Or turn the calenders back to 1984. That is your choice on this Memorial Day.
The Creative Commons Anthem!
Yay for the "reverend" Jesse Jackass
And ya wonder why racism won't go away.
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